DW网站建站全面培训教程Lynda Creating a First Website in Dreamweaver CC 2014 with Paul Trani
DW网站建站全面培训教程Lynda Creating a First Website in Dreamweaver CC 2014 with Paul Trani
使用Dreamweaver CC 2014创建第一个属于自己的网站,这期教程显示了基本的如何做到thatucreate你的第一个网站。但是不是任何网站。一个HTML5网站响应和看起来不错在任何电脑或移动设备,并配有丰富的意象和导航、视频内容,甚至接触形式。
作者Paul Trani 首先简要介绍HTML和CSS。然后您将学习如何创建一个基本的网页,添加文本和图像,并与CSS样式的内容。保罗然后展示如何添加导航和页面之间的联系,整合视频和社交媒体(如Twitter),并创建一个触点形式。课程还包括确保你的布局(即“灵活”。,它才会调整大小以适合移动设备),测试你的网站,并上传网络。
Creating a First Website with Dreamweaver CC 2014 shows the basics of how to do just thatùcreate your first website. But not just any website. An HTML5 website that is responsive and looks great on any computer or mobile device, and is complete with rich imagery and navigation, video content, and even a contact form.
Author Paul Trani begins with brief introductions to HTML and CSS. Then you'll learn how to create a basic webpage, add text and images, and style the content with CSS. Paul then shows how to add navigation and links between pages, integrate video and social media (such as a Twitter feed), and create a contact form. The course also covers making sure your layout is "flexible" (i.e., that it resizes to fit mobile devices), testing your site, and uploading it to the web.
ò Understanding the Internet and websites
ò Adding HTML content to a webpage
ò Styling content with CSS
ò Creating navigation
ò Adding more pages
ò Creating a flexible layout
ò Adding video and animations from Edge Animate
ò Linking to other pages and websites
ò Creating a contact form
ò Creating a responsive site for mobile devices
ò Uploading and testing the website

AE模板:复古风格动态图形MG栏目包装AE模板VideoHive Kino Type
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