Mac一键删除卸载软件AppDelete 4.1.4
Mac一键删除卸载软件AppDelete 4.1.4
Appdelete是一款Mac简单快速的一键卸载应用程序软件,只要拖拽即可删除程序。AppDelete不仅仅是mac的卸载程序,而且还可以删除小部件,偏好窗格,插件和屏保及其相关文件。没有AppDelete,这些相关的物品将留下空间并有可能引起问题。适当的卸载不只是删除但一定要AppDelete !
AppDelete is an uninstaller for Macs that will remove not only Applications but also Widgets, Preference Panes, Plugins and Screensavers along with their associated files. Without AppDelete these associated items will be left behind to take up space and potentially cause issues. For a proper uninstall don't just delete but be sure to AppDelete!
AppDelete 4.1.4新功能:
Compatible with Yosemite OS X 10.10
Fixed bug in registration system that could cause a user to be asked more than once
Fixed issue where Select All/Select None might not work as expected
Fixed issue where item count could be wrong
Other miscellaneous fixes and improvements
Intel, OS X 10.7 or later
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