Maya 2015 vray渲染器更新版V-Ray Adv 3.05.03 Maya 2014–2015 Win64
Maya 2015 vray渲染器更新版V-Ray Adv 3.05.03 Maya 2014–2015 Win64 | 260 MB
V-Ray Adv 3.05.03 for Maya是一款Chaos Group最新开发的插件。开发以满足最苛刻的视效和世界各地的电影制片厂,渲染引擎将毋庸置疑,具有稳定、交互性、易用性和前所未有的速度。
现在,V-Ray for Maya允许更大场景的渲染及更大的复杂性,同时艺术家可以依靠一个更快的渲染过程。
V-Ray for Maya提供的全面列表功能,包括CarPaint车漆材质,V-Ray光选择渲染元素,PText纹理,真正的3 d运动模糊,太阳和天空程序性照明系统,物理相机匹配的视频,和许多其他。
V-Ray for Maya成为众多知名工作室渲染器的选择,如 Method Studio, Zoic Studio, Lux VFX, The LAB NYC和其他。不到两年以来官方发布V-Ray一直作为主要的呈现工具在最新的获奖电影和作品。
V-Ray for Maya is one of the latest developments by Chaos Group. Developed to meet the needs of the most demanding VFX & Film studios around the world, the rendering engine delivers uncompromised stability, interactivity, ease of use and unprecedented speed.
Now, V-Ray for Maya enables the rendering of even larger scenes with greater complexity and artists can rely on a faster rendering process.
The comprehensive list of features provided by V-Ray for Maya includes CarPaint Material, V-Ray Light Select Render Element, PText texture, true 3D Motion Blur, Sun & Sky procedural lighting system, Physical camera for matching live footage, and many others.
V-Ray for Maya became a renderer of choice of numerous renowned studios such as Method Studio, Zoic Studio, Lux VFX, The LAB NYC and many others. For less than two years since its official release V-Ray has been used as a major rendering tool in the latest award winning films and productions.

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2015-01-03 04:45谢谢书生!已经装上了!!亲测可用!!!
2016-08-30 21:32亲测可用!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!唉呀妈呀
2017-04-21 16:47