C4D R16插件:CV选集管理器Cineversity Premium CV Selection Manager MUS3
C4D R16插件:CV选集管理器Cineversity Premium CV Selection Manager MUS3,支持Cinema 4d R14-R16
The CV Selection Manager is a dockable window that displays a list of the selection sets attached to an object.
From this list you can rename the selection set, these changes will also be reflected in an texture tags that are being restricted by the selection set.
There are also buttons that give you access to the various commands found in the selection set tag, such "restore selection" or "select and hide others"
New selection sets can also be easily create through the manager.
If selection sets are something that you use a lot, then you need this plugin.
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C4D R16插件:CV选集管理器Cineversity Premium CV Selection Manager MUS3:等您坐沙发呢!