Pluralsight Rendering Volumes and Effects with Arnold and Maya特效烟雾火焰体积渲染教程
Pluralsight Rendering Volumes and Effects with Arnold and Maya特效烟雾火焰体积渲染教程
在这一期Maya阿诺德渲染器视频教程中,特效烟雾火焰体积渲染,你将学习 n-Particles, Fluids, OpenVDB和Bifrost彩虹桥。接下来将使用一组不同的案例来探索Arnold渲染器,这些示例可以帮助您理解和如何使用阿诺德的“Volume rendering”。最后学习体积渲染着色器网络建设和阿诺德(AOV)。软件要求Maya 2018。
Have you ever wanted to render beautiful “Volumetric” images but are still looking for the appropriate knowledge and tools to accomplish your work? If so, this is the perfect course for you. In this course, Rendering Volumes and Effects with Arnold and Maya, you’ll learn the complete process of “Volume” rendering using Arnold, which includes the rendering of n-Particles, Fluids, OpenVDB and Bifrost. Next, you’ll explore the rendering with a different set of examples that can help you in understanding the wider aspect of “Volume rendering” using Arnold. Finally, you’ll discover the Volume rendering along with shader network building and Arnold’s (AOV). When you are finished with this course, you’ll have a sound knowledge of rendering incredible volumetric images for your show-reels. Software required Maya 2018.
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Pluralsight Rendering Volumes and Effects with Arnold and Maya特效烟雾火焰体积渲染教程:等您坐沙发呢!