电影视觉特效合成&运动图形软件Eyeon Fusion 7 & RenderNode v7.0 build 1450 win64
电影视觉特效合成&运动图形软件Eyeon Fusion 7 & RenderNode v7.0 build 1450 win64
Fusion 7是好莱坞的一个主要的视觉效果合成和动画工具,用于成千上万的电影和电视项目。最近,Fusion 7一直用于像沉睡魔咒,明日边缘,罪恶之城:夫人了,超凡蜘蛛侠2,美国队长,地心引力和更多电影。
Fusion 7结合最好的动画和高端视觉效果合成到一个单独的应用程序。除了先进的合成工具,Fusion 7还包括全面的 paint、 rotoscope(动态遮罩或影像描摹),键控抠像,分层和标题工具,以及惊人的粒子发生器系统。它可以从其他应用程序导入几何以及创建自己的元素,如文本和粒子,从头开始。元素可以快速合成在一起,输出使用融合的GPU加速的渲染引擎。可以组合多个渲染,在一个项目中渲染同一场景的不同方面。Fusion 7不仅仅是合成多个层,而且还有全套的创建工具来构建对象和场景元素的3 d系统,可以处理数百万多边形与复杂的阴影。
Fusion 7 is one of Hollywood’s leading visual effects compositing and motion graphics tools and has been used on thousands of feature film and television projects. Most recently, Fusion 7 has been used on feature films like Maleficent, Edge of Tomorrow, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, The Amazing Spiderman 2, Captain America, Gravity and more.
Fusion 7 combines the best in motion graphics and high end visual effects compositing into a single application. In addition to its advanced compositing tools, Fusion 7 also includes comprehensive paint, rotoscope, keying, layering and titling tools, along with an amazing particle generator system. It can import geometry from other applications as well as create its own elements, like text and particles, from scratch. Elements can be composited together and quickly output using Fusion’s GPU accelerated render engine. Multiple renders can be combined in one project to render different aspects of the same scene. Fusion 7 goes beyond just compositing layers and has a full set of creation tools for building objects and scene elements in a 3D system that can handle millions of polygons with complex shading.
新功能介绍: http://www.eyeonline.com/files/New-In-Fusion7.pdf
官网: http://eyeonline.com/

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电影视觉特效合成&运动图形软件Eyeon Fusion 7 & RenderNode v7.0 build 1450 win64:等您坐沙发呢!