汉斯·季默 『电影·音乐』无损高质量电影原声大碟配乐音乐合集[FLAC]
汉斯·季默 『电影·音乐』无损高质量电影原声大碟配乐音乐合集[FLAC], 音乐时间总长: 06:01:26,总共78首,质量:Flac
汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer)
1988年,汉斯·季默为电影《雨人》配乐,首度提名奥斯卡最佳电影配乐奖。1990年凭《为戴茜小姐开车》的配乐,首获格莱美奖提名。1995年凭动画电影《狮子王》获得奥斯卡和金球奖最佳电影配乐奖。1997年被史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格聘为梦工厂电影公司音乐总监,并于同年获颁音乐创作组织BMI电影音乐终身成就奖 。2003获得由美国作曲家、作家与出版商协会授予的亨利·曼西尼终身成就奖。2007年,入选英国《每日电讯报》“全球百大天才”名单。2010年12月8日留名好莱坞星光大道 。
Disc 1:
5:31 | 01. London Music Works - You're That Spider Guy (From "The Amazing Spider-Man 2")
6:11 | 02. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Look Closely (From "Winter's Tale")
6:55 | 03. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Home (From "The Lone Ranger")
5:22 | 04. London Music Works - What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World? (From "Man of Steel")
6:15 | 05. London Music Works - Lost but Won (From "Rush")
3:20 | 06. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Solomon (From "12 Years a Slave")
3:25 | 07. London Music Works - Mind If I Cut In (From "The Dark Knight Rises")
3:10 | 08. London Music Works - Fear Will Find You (From "The Dark Knight Rises")
2:06 | 09. London Music Works - Why Do We Fall (From "The Dark Knight Rises")
7:36 | 10. London Music Works - Imagine the Fire (From "The Dark Knight Rises")
7:21 | 11. London Music Works - Rise (From "The Dark Knight Rises")
3:06 | 12. London Music Works - New York City Surprise (From "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted")
8:07 | 13. London Music Works - Mermaids (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides")
2:49 | 14. London Music Works - Mutiny (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides")
4:16 | 15. London Music Works - Angelica (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides")
6:02 | 16. London Music Works - Rango Suite (From "Rango")
2:25 | 17. London Music Works - Dream Is Collapsing (From "Inception")
4:54 | 18. London Music Works - Mombasa (From "Inception")
5:06 | 19. London Music Works - Dream Within a Dream (From "Inception")
4:36 | 20. London Music Works - Time (From "Inception")
2:59 | 21. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Honor (From "The Pacific")
2:24 | 22. London Music Works - Discombobulate (From "Sherlock Holmes")
6:44 | 23. London Music Works - 160 BPM (From "Angels & Demons")
4:47 | 24. London Music Works - Hero (From "Kung Fu Panda")
3:27 | 25. London Music Works - Opening Titles (From "Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2")
Disc 2:
9:17 | 01. London Music Works - Why so Serious ( "The Dark Knight")
4:32 | 02. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Aggressive Expansion (From "The Dark Knight")
4:56 | 03. London Music Works - Like a Dog Chasing Cars (From "The Dark Knight")
3:40 | 04. London Music Works - Introduce a Little Anarchy (From "The Dark Knight")
6:49 | 05. London Music Works - A Watchful Guardian (From "The Dark Knight")
5:37 | 06. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - I See Dead People in Boats (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End")
2:39 | 07. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Up Is Down (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End")
2:06 | 08. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - What Shall We Die For? (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End")
10:51 | 09. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - I Don't Think Now Is the Best Time (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End")
4:38 | 10. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Drink up, Me Hearties (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End")
4:09 | 11. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Chevaliers De Sangreal (From "The da Vinci Code")
4:26 | 12. London Music Works - Watergate (From "Frost / Nixon")
3:55 | 13. London Music Works - Maestro (From "The Holiday")
3:24 | 14. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Davy Jones (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest")
5:02 | 15. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - The Kraken (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest")
1:29 | 16. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Dinner Is Served (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest")
6:00 | 17. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Jack Sparrow (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest")
2:55 | 18. London Music Works - Vespertilio (From "Batman Begins")
4:50 | 19. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Eptesicus (From "Batman Begins")
4:42 | 20. London Music Works - Barbastella (From "Batman Begins")
3:52 | 21. London Music Works - Antrozous (From "Batman Begins")
4:51 | 22. London Music Works - Molossus (From "Batman Begins")
1:40 | 23. London Music Works - Zoosters Breakout (From "Madagascar")
6:59 | 24. London Music Works - Woad to Ruin (From "King Arthur")
6:30 | 25. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Opening Theme / Safe Passage / Way of the Sword (From The Last Samurai")
Disc 3:
1:19 | 01. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Moonlight Serenade (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl")
7:34 | 02. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - To the Pirate's Cave / Skull and Crossbones (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl")
4:09 | 03. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Underwater March (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl")
4:19 | 04. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - The Black Pearl / Will and Elizabeth (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl")
4:10 | 05. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Barbossa Is Hungry (From "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl")
3:37 | 06. London Music Works - Homeland (From "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"
2:51 | 07. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - This Is Going to Hurt (From "The Ring")
3:48 | 08. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Heart of the Volunteer (From"Pearl Harbor")
6:20 | 09. London Music Works - Leave No Man Behind (From "Black Hawk Down")
7:17 | 10. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - The Might of Rome / The Battle / Honour Him (From "Gladiator")
4:22 | 11. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Now We Are Free (From "Gladiator")
4:53 | 12. London Music Works - Injection (From "Mission: Impossible Ii")
6:12 | 13. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - The Village (From "The Thin Red Line")
5:15 | 14. London Music Works - Red Sea (From "The Prince of Egypt")
2:11 | 15. London Music Works - The Peacemaker (End Titles) (From "The Peacemaker")
5:06 | 16. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - The Rock
4:06 | 17. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Roll Tide (From "Crimson Tide")
2:58 | 18. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - This Land (From "The Lion King")
3:44 | 19. London Music Works - You're so Cool (From "True Romance")
3:36 | 20. Mark Ayres - Walking, Talking Man (From "Regarding Henry")
2:54 | 21. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Main Theme (From "Thelma and Louise")
4:34 | 22. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Fighting 17th (From "Backdraft")
4:42 | 23. Mark Ayres - Main Title (From "Days of Thunder")
6:13 | 24. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - Restless Elephants (From "Green Card")
4:56 | 25. The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - End Title (From "Driving Miss Daisy")
6:25 | 26. Mark Ayres - Las Vegas / End Credits (From "Rain Man")
5:08 | 27. London Music Works - End Credits (From "A World Apart")
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