Cinema 4d & After Effect魔法水晶水球高级教程magical drop using x-particles and krakatoa
Cinema 4d & After Effect魔法水晶水球高级教程magical drop using x-particles and krakatoa
第一部分主要使用cinema 4d的外置插件x-particles和 krakatoa
第二部分主要使用After effects进行效果合成,主要运用到一些CC系列插件!
part 1:Cinema 4d
In this tutorial i will show you how i created a Magical Drop in Cinema 4D! this shot based on a render i seen in vimeo!
also you can do the full animation if you want to or you can get my training series that will be available end of the month at the web site.
part 2:After effects
in this part we just going to put our render together and add more particles using some 3rd party tools and some CC! lets take a look.
Videohive模板音乐Audio Jungle配乐素材AE模板影视片头音乐合辑
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Cinema 4d & After Effect魔法水晶水球高级教程magical drop using x-particles and krakatoa:等您坐沙发呢!