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AE CC 2015插件:三维插件包Mettle Plugins Bundle v1.8 CE 一键安装

AE CC 2015插件:三维插件包Mettle Plugins Bundle v1.8 CE 一键安装

AE CC 2015插件:三维插件包Mettle Plugins Bundle v1.8 CE | 2MB
插件包由Team VR优化破解制作,一键安装破解,无需繁琐操作,安装即可使用。
插件名字: Mettle Plugins bundle v1.8 CE Team V.R private build
程序类型: After Effects Plug-in
更新时间: 12 9, 2015
官网: _www.mettle.com
界面语言: English
支持软件: Win64, After Effects CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6
File Size: 8.5Mb

Mettle是世界知名的卓越的Adobe After Effects插件包。

FreeForm,最好的3d网格变形插件。他们允许艺术家创建3 d渲染和动画效果,使用简单的工具和技术。

Mettle Bundle可以给艺术家更多的创意工具并加快AE创作工作流程。

Mettle Bundle v1.8 主要更新支持AE CC 2015


*FreeForm v2.11 网格变形插件
*FreeForm Pro v1.83D网格变形插件
*ShapeShifter v1.8 3D立体字插件
*SkyBox v1.0 360º反射环境贴图生成插件
*SkyBox Creator v2.2
*SkyBox Extractor v1.2


AE插件支持版本:Adobe After Effects CS4,CS5,CS6,CC,CC 2014 ,CC 2015

Mettle Bundle V1.8 CE Includes:

FreeForm V2.11: 3D Mesh Warp Plug-in for After Effects. Bend, Warp and Distort a 3D layer in After Effects. Practical to create cylinders, curves, ribbons, and folds. Easy to create terrains, tunnels, animate water, character animation, and much more!

FreeForm Pro v1.8: Pro-Level 3D Mesh Warp Plug-in for After Effects. Create and animate terrains, water, billowing fabric, backgrounds in After Effects. Great for character animation, shape morphing, and much more!

ShapeShifter v1.8: Organic Text & Logo Plug-in for After Effects. Design and animate 3D logos directly in After Effects. Create backgrounds, 3D morphing shapes, and much more, all customizable.

SkyBox Creator v2.2: Script that lets you generate a 360-degree animation from your After Effects comp. It automatically places a Camera with 6 views in your comp, renders and stitches them together seamlessly. It’s like having a google-car drive through your comp. And you can update your comp and refresh the output.

SkyBox Extractor v1.2: Script that converts stitched equirectangular footage into 6 separate camera views (Front, Right, Back, Top, Left and Bottom), where you can motion-track, do object removal, add motion-graphics, vfx etc. It automates the creation of all necessary comps and camera relationships to create a 360 | VR post production Environment in After Effects.

Compatibility: WIN64 After Effects CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6



AE CC 2015插件:三维插件包Mettle Plugins Bundle v1.8 CE 一键安装




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AE CC 2015插件:三维插件包Mettle Plugins Bundle v1.8 CE 一键安装:等您坐沙发呢!


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