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C4D R17插件:效果器插件+路径变形插件Tarabella NOTA Effector v1.1 + Tarabella Path Deformer v1.6 Cinema 4d R14-R17 WIN

C4D R17插件:效果器插件+路径变形插件Tarabella NOTA Effector v1.1 + Tarabella Path Deformer v1.6 Cinema 4d R14-R17 WIN

C4D R17插件:效果器插件Tarabella NOTA Effector v1.1 Cinema 4d R14-R17 WIN

NOTA Effector, created to make significantly more rapid the work of the Motion Graphics, is a new Effector for MoGraph Module that allow to manage unlimited clones (entities) procedurally. The focus of NOTA Effector is to move all entities inside mograph, polygons, objects or instances, from a custom place to the default place where they are built. During this route all entities can be managed on the rotation, position and scale in global coordinates. While using NOTA Effector is also possible to affect any object/polygon with some other sub-effector in a completly customizable way.
Have Nota Effector is a must for the users of MoGraph Module because it expands the abilities to create procedural animations. Note Effector is the result of 20 years of experience in the Motion Graphics on Italian TV Network.
*Compatible with R14/R15/R16 of Cinema4D

官网: http://renato-tarabella.com/product/nota-effector/


C4D R17插件:效果器插件+路径变形插件Tarabella NOTA Effector v1.1 + Tarabella Path Deformer v1.6 Cinema 4d R14-R17 WIN

C4D R17插件:路径变形插件Tarabella Path Deformer v1.6 Cinema 4d R14-R17 WIN

Path Deformer is a Plugin that allows you to get a unique deformer with great possibilities. Simply choose a spline your object will be distorted upon that spline without loosing proportions. Path Deformer twist the object upon a curve and lets you to roll the objects upon the spline and to control the position along the path. You can also place a reference object under the deformator to have an accurate reference for position and rotation along the path. Path Deformer is the best way to deform objects over a spline.

官网: http://renato-tarabella.com/product/path-deformer/

支持Cinema 4d R14-Cinema 4d R17



Tarabella NOTA Effector v1.1 :

C4D R17插件:效果器插件+路径变形插件Tarabella NOTA Effector v1.1 + Tarabella Path Deformer v1.6 Cinema 4d R14-R17 WIN

Tarabella Path Deformer v1.6:

C4D R17插件:效果器插件+路径变形插件Tarabella NOTA Effector v1.1 + Tarabella Path Deformer v1.6 Cinema 4d R14-R17 WIN



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C4D R17插件:效果器插件+路径变形插件Tarabella NOTA Effector v1.1 + Tarabella Path Deformer v1.6 Cinema 4d R14-R17 WIN:等您坐沙发呢!


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