Blender非破坏性科幻硬面建模插件ND – Non-Destructive Modelling V1.43.0
ND(非破坏性)是一款Blender附加组件,旨在通过提供一系列针对非破坏性建模技术量身定制的工具和操作来彻底改变3D建模工作流程。借助ND,用户可以在创建3D模型时享受更高的灵活性和效率,特别是对于硬表面形状。 ND的主要功能是强调无损编辑,允许用户快速调整参数并更改模型,而无需手动多边形建模。
ND (Non-Destructive) is a Blender add-on designed to revolutionize 3D modeling workflows by offering a range of tools and operations tailored for non-destructive modeling techniques. With ND, users can enjoy enhanced flexibility and efficiency in creating 3D models, particularly for hard-surface forms. The key feature of ND is its emphasis on non-destructive editing, allowing users to adjust parameters and make changes to their models quickly without the need for manual poly-modeling. This approach is particularly beneficial for iterative design processes, as it enables artists to experiment with different variations and refine their models with ease.
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Blender非破坏性科幻硬面建模插件ND – Non-Destructive Modelling V1.43.0:等您坐沙发呢!