AE电影预告片头技巧培训案例教程Lynda – Mograph Techniques: Movie Trailer Titles in CINEMA 4D and After Effects
AE电影预告片头技巧培训案例教程Lynda – Mograph Techniques: Movie Trailer Titles in CINEMA 4D and After Effects
教程名字: Lynda – Mograph Techniques: Movie Trailer Titles in CINEMA 4D and After Effects
更新时间: 2014-12-17
文件大小: 19x50Mb
教程语言: English
作者: EJ Hassenfratz
使用软件: CINEMA 4D R15, R16 After Effects
时长: 2h 25m
学会如何创建动态电影预告片标题序列,使用CINEMA 4D工具。EJ Hassenfratz显示了如何创建引人注目的文本元素,应用纹理和照明和动画风格的标题,适合两个不同的类型:动作片和幻想的电影。
然后你将学习如何渲染场景,将场景导入到After Effects,以复合用实景镜头和预览最后的预告片。这些教程按照实际的工作流中,用于生产许多领先的好莱坞工作室。
Learn to create dynamic title sequences for movie trailers, using the tools in CINEMA 4D. EJ Hassenfratz shows how to create attention-grabbing text elements, apply textures and lighting, and animate the titles in styles that suit two different genres: action flicks and fantasy films.
Then you'll learn how to render the scene and bring the assets into After Effects, in order to composite them with live-action footage and preview the final trailers. These tutorials follow a real-world workflow, used in many of the leading Hollywood production studios.
* Exploring movie trailer trends
* Creating titles with Sweep NURBS or the chisel techniques
* Texturing and lighting title text
* Animating the titles and cameras
* Setting up for render
* Adding optical flares, motion blur, and other effects
* Compositing motion graphics and live-action footage
* Color correcting composites
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AE电影预告片头技巧培训案例教程Lynda – Mograph Techniques: Movie Trailer Titles in CINEMA 4D and After Effects:等您坐沙发呢!