Maya几何体缓存工具Thinkbox XMesh MY For Maya 2012-15 Win 64
Maya几何体缓存工具Thinkbox XMesh MY For Maya 2012-15 Win 64
XMesh™是新的最好的朋友任何艺术家背负减缓或不切实际的3 d资产,或面临需要创造性的应用程序之间传递数据和维护文件的功能。从动画师,任何处理大型文件Autodesk®3 ds Max®或Autodesk®玛雅®将受益于增加XMesh™管道。
XMesh,一个几何图形缓存插件Autodesk®玛雅®。旨在简化动画和视觉效果的生产管道、XMesh是一组工具保存动画场景几何压缩格式,产量较小的文件加载更快,操作和共享设施和应用程序。也兼容Autodesk®3 ds Max®,健壮和可伸缩的多线程解决方案允许艺术家快速开放、分享或接收计算机生成的(CG)资产内部工作室部门或外部设施。
“XMesh之间交换的主干管道3 ds Max和玛雅ScanlineVFX。快,固体和开放结构允许无缝集成到我们的管道,“基督教戴斯说,PipelineTD ScanlineVFX。
XMesh™ is the new best friend to any artist burdened with slow or unworkable 3D assets, or faced with the need to transfer data between creative applications and maintain file functionality. From animators to architects, anyone working with large files in Autodesk® 3ds Max® or Autodesk® Maya® will benefit from adding XMesh™ to their pipeline.
today announced the release of XMesh MY, a geometry caching plug-in for Autodesk® Maya®. Designed to streamline animation and visual effects production pipelines, XMesh is a set of tools for saving animated scene geometry in a condensed format that yields smaller files for faster loading, manipulation and sharing across facilities and applications. Also compatible with Autodesk® 3ds Max®, the robust and scalable multi-threaded solution allows artists to quickly open, share or receive computer generated (CG) assets from internal studio departments or external facilities.
“XMesh is the backbone of the interchange pipeline between 3ds Max and Maya at ScanlineVFX. It is fast, solid and the open structure allows the seamless integration into our pipeline,” said Christian Deiss, PipelineTD, ScanlineVFX.
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Maya几何体缓存工具Thinkbox XMesh MY For Maya 2012-15 Win 64:等您坐沙发呢!