Maya插件-布料模拟插件FXGear Qualoth 4.7-7 for Maya 2018-2022 Win
Maya插件-布料模拟插件FXGear Qualoth v4.7-7 for Maya 2018-2022
Qualoth v4.7-7是一款Maya布料模拟器,被世界上一些最大的工作室(如梦工厂工作室)采用。Qualoth 基于复杂的物理模型和数值算法,可生成逼真的皱纹和布料动画,并通过全多线程求解器提供无与伦比的计算速度。可靠的碰撞处理和丰富的控件集让用户可以将更多精力花在创造性工作上,而不是繁琐的故障排除。High Quality Cloth Animation with Less Pain Qualoth is a production-proven cloth simulator adopted by numerous studios worldwide. It is based on a sophisticated physical model and numerical algorithms that produces realistic wrinkles and cloth animation, and delivering unmatched computational speed with fully multi-threaded solver. The reliable collision handling and rich set of controls allow users to spend more efforts on creative work rather than tedious trouble-shootings.
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Maya插件-布料模拟插件FXGear Qualoth 4.7-7 for Maya 2018-2022 Win:等您坐沙发呢!