C4D S24全面基础入门教程(含英文字幕)Learning Cinema 4D S24
C4D S24全面基础入门教程(含英文字幕)Learning Cinema 4D S24
在这期C4D S24教程中,运动设计师Needham带你通过C4D界面和层次的所有基础知识,并带你开始完成C4D中的一个基本项目。Andy介绍了标准布局、3D视口和其他关键概念。通过设置你的场景,组织镜头,并在环境中种植树木,植物,岩石和草。安迪向你展示了如何完成一个伟大的背景,正确的场景灯光照明和构图,材质渲染,以及更多的场景。
If you plan to work as a motion graphics artist or a designer, you need to know Cinema 4D (C4D). In this course, motion designer, editor, and compositor Andy Needham walks you through all the basics of the interface and hierarchy of C4D and takes you start to finish through completing a basic project in C4D. Andy introduces the standard layout, the 3D viewport, and other key concepts. He steps you through setting up your scene, composing your shot, and populating the environment with trees, plants, rocks, and grass. Andy shows you how to finish the scene with a great background, the right lighting and composition, and more.
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C4D S24全面基础入门教程(含英文字幕)Learning Cinema 4D S24:等您坐沙发呢!