次时代游戏纹理贴图绘制软件Substance Painter v1.0.0 build 492 Retail - iND
次时代游戏纹理贴图绘制软件Substance Painter v1.0.0 build 492 Retail - iND
3D 绘制的重新研发
Substance Painter 是一个全新的次时代纹理贴图绘制软件,让你可更符合现今游戏中的贴图制作更加容易。
Particle Painting粒子绘制
● 在你的物件上撒水、丟土甚至是火,并且即时的看着其逼真的风化效果。粒子笔刷使用真实的物理模拟,用一种拟真的方法來为你的模型加上磨损与撕裂效果。
Material Painting 材质绘制
● 一次绘出所有的材质,同时几秒內便可为你的贴图加入精巧的细节。
Substance Painter - The new generation of texture painting
Substance Painter is a brand new 3D Painting app with never before seen features and workflow improvements to make the creation of textures for 3D assets easier than ever.It is acknowledged as the most innovative and user-friendly 3D Painter out there.
Paint full materials, in real-time
Choose your brush, select a material, tweak it if needed and then start painting! Each stroke applies all channels at once and the render is instantaneous, making it the most interactive 3D Painter out there. Paint multiple materials on one mesh, with each map going up to 4K resolution.
Next-Gen viewport
Preview your painting in a Physically based (PBR) viewport for accurate material feedback. Create beauty shots of your assets using one of the best optical effects technology out there (Yebis 2 by Silicon Studio) adding antialiasing, color correction, DOF, glare, bloom and much more .
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次时代游戏纹理贴图绘制软件Substance Painter v1.0.0 build 492 Retail - iND:等您坐沙发呢!