C4D R16插件:产品级渲染预设插件Renderking C4Dome v20 for cinema 4d r13-r16
C4D R16插件:产品级渲染预设插件 Renderking C4Dome v20 for cinema 4d r13-r16
C4Dome是一种新型的HDRI灯光照明产品级渲染预设插件。这是最准确的 Cinema 4D(标准渲染引擎)照明资源。你可以分开光与反射源,创造真正准确的图像和动画效果!
C4Dome it's a new way to think about HDRI lighting. It's the most accurate lighting resource for Cinema 4D (standard render engine). You can split light and reflection source, creating really accurate images and animations
You can create your maps choosing many hdr itmes from the huge library that we provide with the plugin. Choose your floor, background and top and C4Dome creates your new studio light! This new way to create custom environments it's a great time saver and allows hundreds of possible combination. In few words you have infinte light studio in your archive!
C4D .lib4d预设文件安装方法:
rk_c4dome_v2.lib4d复制到***\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R1*\library\browser目录中
将C4Dome v20 Build 2020140921文件夹拷贝到***\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R1*\plugins插件目录中
运行C4D,会提示说插件未注册,忽略,Script-User Script-Run Script(脚本-用户脚本-运行脚本),选择运行Renderking_C4Dome_2_KG.py
将license.lic许可文件拷贝到CINEMA 4D\plugins\C4Dome v20 Build 2020140921文件夹下

AE模板:复古风格动态图形MG栏目包装AE模板VideoHive Kino Type
AE模板影视片头音乐合辑Videohive模板音乐Audio Jungle配乐素材
57组三维数据信息图表拼图企业宣传片常用c4d模板Info Graphs 3D
书生原创文章,版权所有,转载请注明,转载自书生CG资源网 » https://c4dsky.com/9225.html
How do i open the .py file ?
2014-10-09 22:25Script-User Script-Run Script
2014-10-10 09:38What do you mean?
2014-10-10 21:23I run it in the command script and there stands " Syntax Error: invald syntax"
2014-10-10 21:28When i opening the .py file there stands " SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print' " ?
2014-10-09 23:04Someone help comeone !!!!!!!!! im getting this error : ImportError: No module named c4d
2014-10-29 01:30装好了,英语不好用不来
2014-12-20 14:54你好,请问你的图片放在哪里呢
2016-09-25 15:22