C4D R16 CV图层合成管理插件Cineversity Premium CV Layer Comps v1.00c MUS3
C4D R16 CV图层合成管理插件Cineversity Premium CV Layer Comps v1.00c MUS3
我们刚刚发布CV- Layer Comps,一整套Cinema 4D和命令,由Donovan Keith编写,提升在处理层时精简工作流程。
a full suite of Cinema 4D plugins and commands developed by Donovan Keith to streamline your workflow when working with layers.
· CV-Layer Comps Manager: Provides an easy interface for quickly saving and loading layer states that is similar to Adobe Photoshops' Layer Comps Manager.
· CV-Active Layer: Assigns new objects to the selected layer in the scene layers manager.
· CV-Load Layer Comps Palette: Loads a palette containing all of the CV-Layer Comps - ideal for docking into your Layers manager.
· CV-New Layer Comp: Creates a new layer comp based on the current layer states.
· CV-Next Layer Comp: Activates the next selected layer comp in the Layer Comp Manager.
· CV-Update Layer Comp: Updates the selected layer comp(s) to reflect the current scene layer states
· CV-Mute Layer: Mutes/unmutes the currently selected layer.
· CV-Reset Layer to Defaults: Restores all layer properties of the selected layer to default settings.
· CV-Select Layers of Active Objects: Selects the layers associated with any objects selected in the viewport/object manager
· CV-Solo Layers of Active Objects: Turns on solo mode for any layers associated with the selected layers, if other layers are currently soloed it turns them off.
· CV-Solo Next Layer: Loops through all selected layers - soloing them in turn.
· CV-Solo Previous Layer: Like the one above, but in the opposite direction.
官网介绍: http://www.cineversity.com/vidplaylist/cv-layers_comps
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C4D R16 CV图层合成管理插件Cineversity Premium CV Layer Comps v1.00c MUS3:等您坐沙发呢!