C4D高科技城市建筑全息投影高级教程Cinema4dtutorial.net – Hologram City TUTORIAL
C4D高科技城市建筑全息投影高级教程Cinema4dtutorial.net – Hologram city
依旧是我们的Cinema4dtutorial.net网站为我们带来非常棒的C4D教程,对所有特殊视觉城市的设计者和创造者,全息图是非常有用的而且高级的效果,众所周知的,这种效果是很难找到教程,但在cinema4dtutorial.net我们知道你需要什么,我们所有的技术团队每周工作就是带给你最新的教程, 和cinema 4 d一切相关的视效。在这个教程中我们一步一步告诉如何创建这个令人难以置信的全息图,
This is a tutorial very useful for all designers and creators of effects Special Visual City hologram is well known and is very difficult to find tutorials for this effect but in cinema4dtutorial.net we know what you need and for this all of our technical team works every week to bring you the latest tutorials on cinema 4 d and everything related to the VFX. in this tutor we tell step by step how to create this fabulous hologram,
for this alone we need the program movie theater 4d. then it is very simple to be still the tutor.very Cool basics mograph and xpresso to creating city Holograms we can extruded shapes to assign to the city building. It simply and easy。

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2018-10-07 14:09