【C4D教程】C4D运动饮料产品建模渲染教程Lynda – Digital Product Photography with CINEMA 4D
【C4D教程】C4D运动饮料产品建模渲染教程Lynda – Digital Product Photography with CINEMA 4D
中级教程 | 1h 29m | 文件大小469 MB | 含工程文件 |使用软件: CINEMA 4D
学习如何在CINEMA 4D创建现实的产品效果图打印和视频广告。在本课程中,Donovan Keith展示了如何把客户的参考图像和重建一个产品在3 d-reducing需要昂贵的摄影服务,创造资产,可以更灵活地使用的印刷或广播广告。这些特殊的教程特性一瓶运动饮料,但教训可以适用于几乎任何产品。学习如何用样条模型复杂的形式和多边形建模工具,准确的纹理模型,并将你的产品在一个黑色背景下一个高对比度的照明环境。
Info: Learn how to create realistic product renderings for print and video advertising with CINEMA 4D. In this course, Donovan Keith shows how to take a client’s reference images and re-create a product in 3D—reducing the need for expensive photography services and creating assets that can be used more flexibly in print or broadcast ads. These particular tutorials feature a sport beverage bottle, but the lessons can apply to almost any product. Learn how to model complicated forms with spline and polygonal modeling tools, accurately texture your models, and place your product against a black backdrop in a high-contrast lighting environment.
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57组三维数据信息图表拼图企业宣传片常用c4d模板Info Graphs 3D
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【C4D教程】C4D运动饮料产品建模渲染教程Lynda – Digital Product Photography with CINEMA 4D:等您坐沙发呢!