AE特效项目流程管理脚本 Conform Studio v1.2
【更新】AE特效项目流程管理脚本aescripts Conform Studio v1.2
Conform Studio是一组专为提升特效流程的AE脚本,这个脚本可以自动预合你的素材,批量重命名,提取,分离,替换你的渲染文件等等
Conform Studio is a set of scripts designed to manage your VFX production. With Conform Studio you can automatically precompose your shots, batch rename them using highly customisable presets, extract your compositions into separate files and trim your media to reduce the amount of data you distribute to your artists. After the work is done, you can replace the compositions with rendered files, automatically update them to the latest version or replace the renders with graded files from another folder. Don't waste your time - it's not worth it.
Conform Studio运行脚本面板
Panel that launches other scripts
CS Conform统一
Precompose your layers
Add handles
Group layers by name
Group overlapping layers
Inherit labels
Enable frame blending for time remapped and stretched layers
Name your compositions using naming presets
Export and import presets between machines
CS Extract提取
Extract compositions into separate files
Collect media
Trim media using many configurable options
Select different encoding for files with and without alpha channel
Add handles to trimmed media
Consolidate files with gaps
CS Reconform
Replace compositions with rendered files or image sequences
Update renders with new versions
Replace renders with files from another directory
Select any destination folder to import footage to
AE模板:复古风格动态图形MG栏目包装AE模板VideoHive Kino Type
AE模板影视片头音乐合辑Videohive模板音乐Audio Jungle配乐素材
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2021-03-08 18:40