C4D建筑折纸动画高级教程Cinema 4D tutorial - Making Paper
C4D建筑折纸动画高级教程Cinema 4D tutorial - Making Paper(含工程文件) | 109分钟 | 1.19GB
Following the recent success of the 3D short film “It’s Paper”, this premium quality Cinema4d* tutorial series in HD is now available for download on Vimeo.
In this first part of two planned releases you will be taken through the complete process of modeling, layout, animating, shading and rendering a looping paper city animation step by step. This material is relevant for users on all levels, so whether you’re hobbyist or a professional you are gonna be able to create production quality paper animations for business and pleasure. With basic scene files and support options included in an on-screen link you’ll be making paper in no time!
*Cinema4d r14 and up. Scene files in r15 format. MoGraph and Advanced Render modules required.
- Episode 1 - Modeling(建模)
- Episode 2 - Layout(布局)
- Episode 3 - Animation(动画)
- Episode 4 - Shading & rendering(材质渲染)
- Final
官网 : http://vimeo.com/ondemand/makingpaper/98014841
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntslZ1v 密码: r6m7
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2014-10-23 17:51感谢反馈,已重新更新
2014-10-23 18:21感谢哈
2014-12-20 14:45感谢楼主分享
2016-10-20 21:45感谢楼主的分享 很棒的教程 要是能有纸张变成建筑的动画教程就好了
2017-05-04 10:40