中文汉化版-AE节点式三维粒子插件Superluminal Stardust 1.3.0 Win 版CC 2017-CC 2019
中文汉化版-AE节点式三维粒子插件Superluminal Stardust 1.3.0 Win CC 2017-CC 2019
Superluminal Stardust 1.3.0(星辰粒子插件)是After Effects新一代节点式的三维粒子插件,书生第一时间汉化Stardust V1.3.0新版本支持After Effects CC 2019,通过引入平面反射,次表面散射,发光材质等功能,Stardust广泛的3D渲染功能已经得到了极大的扩展,为您的图像提供了生动有机的感觉。Physical Particles物理粒子,而且可以实时更新查看当前物理状态。Stardus具有易于使用,基于节点的用户界面,功能强大,并附带了大量预设,可以快速轻松地创建惊人的粒子效果。可以渲染3D模型,增强了工作流,拥有发射器,粒子,复制,力场,辅助发射器,3D模型,文字,Maks等控制,模式也非常多。Stardust粒子插件1.3版本现在包含一个惊人的物理模拟工具集。
Stardust V1.3动画引擎增加了新的强大工具,可以更自由地实现您的愿景。“连接”允许物理粒子使用各种约束进行交互,“3D模型变形”提供工具,通过弯曲和弯曲空间来创建隧道或沿路径挤出和弯曲3D文本等等,从而将对象变为现实。此外,正在为客户发布一个带有近200个纹理模型的免费3D模型库,通过单击添加对象快速构建项目设计,用作粒子或独立模型,所有渲染和交互Stardust在一个共享的3D空间中具有高度灵活的粒子系统。结合已经广泛使用的粒子动画工具箱和3D渲染引擎,包括着名的复制工具,模块化力和物理引擎,提供了下一级粒子生成工具,在Adobe After Effects中实现了前所未有的创作。
AE插件支持版本:After Effects CC 2019,CC 2018, CC 2017
1.3.0(当前版本) - 2018年11月2日
Main New Features:
- 3D Library – Nearly 200 textured 3D models loaded with a single click, parented to a controlling Null layer. The library is available for download from the Preset window.
- Connect – connect physical particles to each other using various constraint types, for creating Springs and Chains.
- Planar reflection – Have object reflect off of planes.
- Model Path Deform – Deform models in 3D space using masks or paths defined with AE lights.
- Groups – Transform model parts by OBJ groups.
- Subsurface scattering – Create organic lighting look for surfaces.
- New Material options – Refraction , Emissive , Adjust Environment and Reflection .
- Model node as emitter source – Create emitter source with model node and apply deformers.
- Speed – Up to 15% faster render.
- Gloss / Roughness – Inverted for easier import PBR materials.
In Depth:
- Model node – Added segments to extruded path for better deformation.
- Model node – Auto load 3D Model material textures on import.
- Model node – Respect node active state when connected to particle nodes.
- Particle node – Set ‘Use model’ to either ‘All’ or ‘Random’ for when multiple model nodes are connected.
- Transform node – Use Null layer for easier transformation control.
- Physics -Better interactive responsiveness while tweaking physical particles.
- Physical forces – New spherical type: ‘Particle birth’. used to attract particles to their birth position.
- Physics forces – New parameter for spherical forces: ‘To distance’. Factors the distance to the influence.
- Main effect render options – Make environment layer visible in render.
- Main effect render options -Select ‘Helpers’ render color.
Bug fixes :
- Z buffer – 3D models will respect external Z-buffer and obstruction layer.
- Fixed an issue where normal bump map would give incorrect results.
- Fixed an issue that may slow render in machines with many cpu cores.
官网地址:http://aescripts.com/stardust/ 或者https://www.superluminal.tv/
普通网盘 百度网盘
中文汉化版(2元) ,年会员可在会员群公告免费获取
2.安装完,复制Patch文件夹的Stardust_effect.aex到C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2019\Support Files\Plug-ins\Superluminal\Stardust,覆盖即可
Stardust插件使用问题,如果打开预设,发现什么都没有,请点左下角的文件夹,选择到C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Superluminal\Stardust\Presets\All presets,即可访问所有的预设
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中文汉化版-AE节点式三维粒子插件Superluminal Stardust 1.3.0 Win 版CC 2017-CC 2019:等您坐沙发呢!