FCPX色彩校正高级调色教程Lynda Final Cut Pro X Guru Color Correction 2017 免费下载
FCPX色彩校正高级调色教程Lynda Final Cut Pro X Guru Color Correction 2017 免费下载
本课程提供一个Final Cut Pro X 专业色彩校正工作流程,以便您可以轻松操作和编辑视频。作者Nick Harauz讲解了Fcpx调色的每一步过程,包括如何评估和调整图像,初级和二级调色,并加入创意效果。作者还解释了如何处理更复杂的镜头问题,演示如何使用专门的第三方插件来去除噪点和纹理,美化镜头,并进行色彩调整。
Does the color in your video look inaccurate or flat? Are you looking to enhance the color values of your scene and bring it to life? Final Cut Pro X offers a variety of tools, scopes, and effects for you to grade all of your footage. This course is designed to provide an extensive overview of the Final Cut Pro X color correction workflow so you can manipulate and adjust video with ease. Nick Harauz takes you through each step of the process, showing how to evaluate and adjust images, make primary and secondary corrections, and add creative looks. He also explains how to handle more complicated footage problems, by demonstrating how to use specialized third-party plugins to remove noise and grain, beautify shots, and make color adjustments.
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