材质纹理项目管理3ds Max插件3d-kstudio Project Manager v3.22.00 for 3ds Max 2016 - 2024
材质纹理项目管理3ds Max插件3d-kstudio Project Manager 3.21.04 for 3ds Max 2016 - 2024
3DS Max项目倾向于使用许多3D文件,如模型,图像,IES光度学和材质。3D文件用于复杂的项目,用于设计,游戏,动画和工程。如果没有插件,可能很难跟上和管理,特别是如果您一次处理多个项目。Project Manager v3.14.54项目经理使您可以更轻松地跟踪项目。通过根据项目,对象,部分等组织文件,项目经理使大型复杂项目变得更加简单。用户可以根据需要定义任意数量的类别和文件夹。Project Manager 界面也大大降低了参与完成项目的时间和精力,允许工作的直观和用户友好的方式,即使没有经验的3ds Max软件的用户。
3DS Max projects tend to utilize many 3D files such as models, images, IES photometrics, and materials. 3D files are used in complex projects for design, gaming, animation, and engineering. It may be difficult to keep up with and manage without plugins, especially if you’re working on multiple projects at a time.3DS Max Project Manager from KStudio makes keeping track of your projects much easier.Project Manager makes large, complicated projects much simpler by organizing your files according to projects, objects, sections, and more. The user may define as many categories and folders as they wish.The drag-and-drop interface featured in Project manager also greatly reduces the time and effort involved in completing projects, allowing for an intuitive and user-friendly way of working, even for inexperienced 3DS Max users.
运行3ds Max。将.mzp文件拖到窗口,安装将自动开始。按照屏幕上的说明完成安装。
在3ds max菜单“Customize”>>“Customize User Interface”>> Category“Track”中选择插件并拖动到仪器面板。
Run the 3ds Max.
Drag the .mzp file into viewport,The installation will be automatically started.
Follow the instructions on screen for complete the installation.
In the 3ds max menu "Customize">> "Customize User Interface">> Category "Track" choose the plugin and drag it to the Panel of the Instruments.
Problems with WinApi.dll:
If you receive a message about problems with WinApi.dll please close the plugin and
install the Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679
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材质纹理项目管理3ds Max插件3d-kstudio Project Manager v3.22.00 for 3ds Max 2016 - 2024:等您坐沙发呢!