Blender渲染节点合成器界面入门教程Learn Blender Compositor!
Blender渲染节点合成器界面入门教程Learn Blender Compositor!
Compositor是Blender 的节点合成系统。在本课程中,您将了解如何使用合成器来执行颜色调整,您将看到如何使用滤镜来创建效果,您将学习使用图层、蒙版和 Cryptomattes 来限制调整和效果的范围。这样您就可以对场景的特定区域进行更改。Learn Blender Compositor!Take Your Renders to the Professional Level!In this course, you will see how to use the compositor to perform color adjustments,You'll see how to use filters to create effects,You will learn to use Layers, Masks, and Cryptomattes to restrict the scope of adjustments and effects.That way you can make changes to specific areas of your scene.You can, for example, change the color of objects and materials even after the image is rendered.
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Blender渲染节点合成器界面入门教程Learn Blender Compositor!:等您坐沙发呢!