AE&C4D体育电视频道logo片头开场栏目包装教程Skillfeed – Cinema 4D and After Effects: Sports Ident Tutorial
AE&C4D体育电视频道logo片头开场栏目包装教程Skillfeed – Cinema 4D and After Effects: Sports Ident Tutorial
In this tutorial VideoFort Don shows you how to create a ‘Sports Ident’ similar to the one displayed in our Thumbnail! This is a four-part tutorial. In part one, you will learn how to set up the main animation, focusing on the Text reveal effect. Part two focuses on the camera’s animation throughout the Ident. In part three, we will be focusing on the texturing, lighting, and preparing the rendering of the video. Part Four covers how to composite the project.
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AE&C4D体育电视频道logo片头开场栏目包装教程Skillfeed – Cinema 4D and After Effects: Sports Ident Tutorial:等您坐沙发呢!