佳能数码单反相机全面基础培训教程Lynda Up and Running with the Canon Rebel SL1 100D and Kiss X7
佳能数码单反相机全面基础培训教程Lynda Up and Running with the Canon Rebel SL1 100D and Kiss X7
本视频教程是由Lynda机构出品的Lynda Up and Running with the Canon Rebel SL1 100D and Kiss X7,时长:1小时23分,大小:881MB,格式:MP4高清视频,作者:: Richard Harrington,语言:英语。C4DSKY.COM整理发布
发布日期: 2014-11-18
作者:: Richard Harrington
使用设备: Canon Rebel SL1 100D , Kiss X7
水平: 初级
快速地跟上节奏的基本特征和控制Canon 100D。在美国称为Rebel SL1,100 d是一个单反相机,一个高质量的传感器和快速处理成一个小而强大的包。丰富哈林顿探索它的拍摄模式,包括那些超越“汽车”,并展示了如何将照片和视频。他还将展示如何调整相机设置,如ISO,对于特殊情况,如混合照明、快速运动和照明水平低。如果你了解你的装备,你可以一直更好的照片。所以亲近你的相机,因为丰富的探索它的许多特性和控制。想要更快地启动和运行?查看“快速启动”章,学习如何使用你的100 d的盒子。
Get up to speed quickly with the essential features and controls of the Canon 100D. Called the Rebel SL1 in the US, it's better known as the EOS Kiss X7 in Japan. But whatever you call it, the 100D is a DSLR camera that packs a high-quality sensor and speedy processing into a tiny but powerful package. Rich Harrington explores its shooting modes, including those that go beyond "auto," and shows how to take bracketed photos and videos. He'll also demonstrate how to adjust camera settings, like ISO, for specific situations, such as mixed lighting, fast movement, and low lighting levels. If you understand your gear, you can get consistently better photos. So keep your camera close by, as Rich explores its many features and controls. Want to get up and running even faster? Check out the "Quick Start" chapter to learn how to use your 100D straight out of the box.
* Reviewing the lens controls
* Changing image format and size
* Adjusting ISO and exposure compensations
* Using Program Shift mode
* Exploring Autofocus
* Focusing manually
* Shooting in Continuous (burst) mode
* Switching between metering modes
* Shooting with flash
* Shooting video
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