达芬奇调色软件11全面基础培训教程Lynda – DaVinci Resolve 11 Essential Training
达芬奇调色软件11全面基础培训教程 Lynda – DaVinci Resolve 11 Essential Training
本视频教程是由Lynda机构出品的达芬奇调色软件11全面基础培训教程 Lynda – DaVinci Resolve 11 Essential Training,时长:14小时14分,大小:4.99 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:DaVinci Resolve 11,作者:Lee Lanier,语言:英语。C4DSKY.COM整理发布
DaVinci Resolve 11是解决色彩研究好莱坞电影,广告,和公司视频首选工具。现在,自由和全功能的版本,这是访问任何人寻找高质量的Mac或Windows调色解决方案。
在这些教程,indie-feature-film和广播调色师帕特里克·英霍夫指导观众通过DaVinci Resolve颜色分。强调现实的技术和工作流,课程将帮助编辑和有抱负的色彩在时间轴编辑,执行学颜色修正,匹配来自多个摄像机的镜头,创建mood-rich看起来和电影呈现出与客户分享。散布在整个课程是“行话”电影,这将帮助你学习的语言表达,和“在行动”章节,帕特里克的经验教训适用于一个真实的音乐视频的乐队最年轻的诗人。
DaVinci Resolve is the go-to tool for colorists working on Hollywood films, commercials, and corporate video. Now, with both the free and full-featured versions available, it’s accessible to anyone looking for a high-quality color-grading solution for Mac or Windows.
In these tutorials, indie-feature-film and broadcast colorist Patrick Inhofer guides viewers through color grading with DaVinci Resolve and Resolve Lite 11. With emphasis placed on real-world techniques and workflows, the course will help editors and aspiring colorists edit in the timeline, perform primary and secondary color corrections, match shots from multiple cameras, create mood-rich looks, and render out movies to share with clients. Interspersed throughout the course are “lingo” movies, which will help you learn the language of colorists, and “in action” chapters, where Patrick applies the lessons learned to a real-world music video for the band Minimus the Poet.
*Building a Revolve system
*Comparing Resolve and Resolve Lite
*Tweaking preferences for better performance
*Getting clips, timelines, and projects into Resolve
*Editing footage in Resolve
*Evaluating images like a colorist
*Working with serial nodes
*Making contrast and color adjustments
*Making targeted secondary corrections with keys and shapes
*Creating looks with third-party plugins
*Matching shots
*Rendering, delivering, and archiving footage.
达芬奇调色软件11全面基础培训教程Lynda DaVinci Resolve 11 Essential Training.part1.rar
达芬奇调色软件11全面基础培训教程Lynda DaVinci Resolve 11 Essential Training.part2.rar
达芬奇调色软件11全面基础培训教程Lynda DaVinci Resolve 11 Essential Training.part3.rar
达芬奇调色软件中文版正版DaVinci Resolve11 PC&MAC
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