Dot Pixels 2.5a - A native plugin for After Effects and Premiere Pro to pixelate your image into circles and rings. Highly useful to create LED sc...
Text Vol.1 - Presets for After Effects (Videohive) CS4, CS5, CS6 | 50 Presets .FFX| 1920x1080 | 69 mb DEMO (Videohive)AE文字动画预设Text Fx Vol.1...
Video Copilot – Pro Flares Bundle Video Copilot PRO FLARES BUNDLE Content: - Update to Optical Flares v1.3.3 - Optical Flaresv1.2.132 (64-bit) - P...
Creating Abstract Shapes and Animations With Trapcode MIR in After Effects VinhSon Nguyen takes a look at creating fluid and organic abstract shap...
AK最新最全中文字幕教程1-137集(由网友农夫山泉整理,https://c4dsky.com发布) http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/Y68AAALf8AAmsjRRbf7 http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/Y6...
Element 3D是videocopilot机构出品的强大AE插件,支持3D对象在AE中直接渲染的引擎。该插件采用OpenGL程序接口,支持显卡直接参与OpenGL运算,是AE中为数不多...
Frischluft (景深) Flair v1.28 FreshCurves v1.06 Lenscare v1.47 Lensfeed v1.06 Zborn Toy v1.05 支持: CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 Home: http://www.f...
在这个教程中,Harry Frank向我们展示了如何使用Trapcode Particular's Z-缓冲来允许粒子围绕三维字(物体)旋转,如AK的Element或者Cinema 4d(其他...
效果预览:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTE5ODg4MjM2.html This is an introduction to the new features of Newton 2. Newton is a 2D physics simulato...
Newton是一个2D物理模拟器( 支持Adobe After Effects CS5或者更高版本). 在物理世界,Newton可以解释为来当前合成的2D图层为刚体主体.这些主体(身体)可以...
新版本的After EffectsAE牛顿动力学2D插件(Motion Boutique Newton 2.0.72)插件,为我们的物理引擎提供了无限可能性 牛顿解释为刚体在真实的环境中进行交...
Plexus is a Next Generation 3D Particle System Plugin designed for Adobe After Effects. Create stunning generative art with ease Highly integrate...
Element 3D是videocopilot机构出品的强大AE插件,支持3D对象在AE中直接渲染的引擎。该插件采用OpenGL程序接口,支持显卡直接参与OpenGL运算,是AE中为数不多...
本教程展示了如何使用复杂的通道操作来实现一个更准确的复位溢出(Spill Suppression),可以更好的把绿背景抠干净,这是一个不错的抠像方法,推荐+ ______...
这个Lynda琳达Trapcode Particular 2插件全面教程,是英文字幕教程,是书生很早之前就答应了朋友做时间轴的,一直没有时间做,今天公司吃年夜饭,喝了点小酒...
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