Houdini高级爆炸特效教程Houdini VOLUMES V – EXPLOSIONS
Houdini高级爆炸特效教程Houdini VOLUMES V – EXPLOSIONS
在Houdini VOLUMES V(以前称为Dynamics V和VI)中,我们将学习在稀疏热解求解器中创建和控制燃烧样式模拟,然后通过使用PDG运行一堆楔形模拟使它更进一步,以便我们可以工作更有效率。定制仿真和后仿真技术,以及定制着色器和照明策略,将使我们能够以开箱即用的工具无法实现的方式来创建生产质量的作品。经过一些合成后,我们将得到巨大的爆炸,但更重要的是,掌握破解求解器和着色器以创建各种效果的知识和信心!
In Volumes V (formerly Dynamics V and VI), we’ll learn to create and control combustion style simulations in the sparse pyro solver, and then take it further by using PDG to run a bunch of wedged sims so that we can work more efficiently. Custom simulation and post-simulation techniques, together with custom shader and lighting strategies, will allow us to create production quality work in ways that out of the box tools just can’t. After some compositing, we’ll end up with a great explosion – but more importantly, the knowledge and confidence to hack solvers and shaders to create all kinds of effects!
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三维电影特效软件SideFX Houdini FX 18.5.351 Win/linux完美,Karma正常使用
三维电影特效软件SideFX Houdini FX 18.0.597 Win
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中文汉化版-红巨星粒子特效AE插件包Red Giant Trapcode Suite 15.1.8 Win/Mac 含多个注册码
中文汉化版-红巨人特效合成抠像平面跟踪AE/PR插件Red Giant VFX Suite 1.5.2 Win
中文汉化版-AE节点式三维粒子插件Superluminal Stardust 1.6.0
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Houdini高级爆炸特效教程Houdini VOLUMES V – EXPLOSIONS:等您坐沙发呢!