AE素材自动剪辑脚本含使用教程Aescripts Magnum - The Edit Detector V2.56
AE素材自动剪辑脚本Aescripts Magnum - The Edit Detector V2.56
Magnum - The Edit Detector V2.56可以自动检测视频素材中镜头的切换。分析每个镜头的切换,然后自动把每个镜头剪辑切割成单独的视频,使用它你只是选择一个镜头层排版,将工作区域设置为该地区,找到你想要的编辑点,告诉Magnum,脚本会自动工作!这个脚本方便我们对每个单独场景进行后期处理,如跟踪,特效合成,调色等等
Automatically detects edits in footage. To use it you simply select a footage layer in a comp, set the work area to the region you'd like to find edits and tell Magnum to go to work!
Now compatible with After Effects CC using a new detection method which is much more effective and fully compatible with every version starting from CS3 upwards. There is also a new feature to tell Magnum what the minimum scene length to help detection of tricky footage. Finally we added a "Save detection analysis" option which allows you to see how Magnum views the edit detection levels so you can set the best detect level for your footage.
The powerful new Detection Analysis feature lets you graphically see the edits in your footage. Please watch the demo video for instructions on how to use it.
After it detects the scenes or edits you have these options:
- Split into new layers: This mode will split the selected layer into individual layers at every edit.
- Trimmed pre-comps: This mode will split the layer and then pre-comp it into a comp that is the length of the split layer.
- Full-length pre-comps: This mode will split the layer and pre-comp it into a comp that is the same length as the original comp.
- Trimmed adjustment layers: This mode will create a new adjustment layer that is trimmed to the length of every detected scene.
- Place markers on layer: This mode will create and place markers at every detected edit point.
- Save thumbnails for each cut/marker: This mode will export a thumbnail for the selected layers or or all layers if none is selected. If you add a text layer named: slate it will burn it into each thumbnail. All special keywords work here as well. Position and style your text before running the export. If you add a text file named: export_template.txt in the export folder it will use it to create an export report file.
Again special keywords work here and if you use tabs or commas it will be a spreadsheet. Replace 'layer' with 'marker' in the keywords when exporting thumbnails from markers. Thumbnail size will match the comp resolution.
脚本安装方法:复制粘贴到C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels

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AE素材自动剪辑脚本含使用教程Aescripts Magnum - The Edit Detector V2.56:等您坐沙发呢!