【CG资讯】C4D电影级渲染器插件发布 Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA)
【CG资讯】C4D电影级渲染器插件发布 Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA)
Solid Angle,Arnold 渲染引擎制造商,连同Maxon,将在今年8月12号举行的Siggraph 2014宣布发布Cinema 4D 版本Arnold插件。Arnold for Cinema 4D (简称C4DtoA)是Solid Angle正式发布并将桥两个应用程序允许C4D用户直接访问Arnold渲染器。
客户一直要求Cinema 4D好几年了。我们很高兴与MAXON合作,使之成为现实,对于Cinema 4D 用户,这是好消息,在另一个渲染器可用于应用程序。
目前只有alpha阿尔法版本,Arnold for Cinema 4D预计在2014年第四季度发布。
The new bridge between the two applications will debut at the MAXON booth (#1422) on August 12, 2014
Solid Angle, Makers of the Arnold Rendering engine, along with Maxon, will be announcing Arnold for Cinema 4D at the Siggraph 2014 show this August. Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA) is officially with Solid Angle and will bridge the two applications allowing C4D users direct access to Arnold’s renderer.
Customers have been asking for a bridge to Cinema 4D for several years. We are delighted to be working with MAXON to make this a reality
This is great news for Cinema 4D users in having another renderer available to the application.
In addition, it is great to see Arnold as an official C4D bridge to the renderer and not a third party release as VRAYforC4D is. Although VRAYforC4D is completely capable, the release is slightly behind the official version of V-Ray and its features.
Having Arnold officially within the Solid Angle stable makes for a more reliable and up to the minute product in my opinion.
Currently in alpha, Arnold for Cinema 4D is slated for release in Q4 2014.
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2014-08-02 11:03群主,分享一份这个C4D电影级渲染器插件发布 Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA),谢谢,学习!
2014-08-02 14:51表示还没有,连官网视频也没有发布,这只是资讯,等8月12号举行的Siggraph 2014
2014-08-04 09:48表示还没有,连官网视频也没有发布,这只是资讯,等8月12号举行的Siggraph 2014
2016-12-08 11:46群主,分享一份这个C4D电影级渲染器插件发布 Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA),谢谢,学习!
2017-08-20 07:52