Houdini高级烟雾特效Sparse模拟渲染教程CGCircuit – Applied Houdini Volumes III v2
Houdini高级烟雾特效Sparse模拟渲染教程CGCircuit – Applied Houdini Volumes III v2
CGCircuit – Applied Houdini Volumes III v2!在这期Houdini教程中,我们将讨论如何利用Sparse Pyro解算器进行详细,彩色和快速的烟雾模拟。我们将从使用粒子模拟获取烟雾开始,然后看看稀疏求解器如何工作来帮助我们更快地获得高分辨率结果。以及将介绍最常见的灯光类型以及它们如何与体积配合使用,然后可以通过材质设置对其进行进一步控制。我们还将介绍许多通用的体积渲染概念,以及如何将它们应用到Mantra,以交互地更快地迭代,同时还可以实现高效的高质量渲染。最后,将使用Houdini自己的合成工具对这些图像进行后期渲染处理,以生成最终图像。
Here it is, Applied Houdini Volumes III v2 - Rendering and Sparse Simulation! In this lesson, we're going to talk about how to make a detailed, colorful, and fast smoke simulation by taking advantage of the Sparse Pyro solver. We'll start by sourcing our smoke with a particle simulation, and see just how the Sparse solver works to help us achieve high resolution results faster. We'll go over the most common types of lights and how they work with volumes, which we can then control further with material settings. We'll also cover a lot of universal volume rendering concepts, and how we can apply them to Mantra to both iterate faster interactively, while also making effecient high quality renders. Finally, these images will be manipulated post-render with Houdini's own compositing tools, to make our final images. Run better sims and understand more deeply how volumes are shaded and rendered today with Applied Houdini!
CG Circuit - Applied Houdini - Volumes III.zip
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Houdini高级烟雾特效Sparse模拟渲染教程CGCircuit – Applied Houdini Volumes III v2:等您坐沙发呢!