AE文字排版设计动画视频教程Skillshare - The Ultimate Guide to Kinetic Type in After Effects
本教程是由Skillshare机构出品的AE文字排版设计动画视频教程,Skillshare - The Ultimate Guide to Kinetic Type in After Effects,大小:283MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:After Effects,共6个章节,作者:Evan Abrams,语言:英语。不错的一个文字动画排版教程,希望可以帮助到更多喜欢MG动画的朋友,书生推荐!
在本教程中,您将学习如何布局排版设计和动画文本同步到创意,完全定制方式音轨。虽然这是一个入门课程,你应该有Adobe的一个基本的了解After Effects的“用户界面和功能。每一步都会在每一个视频解释清楚,但我们不会花很多的时间去学习如何做基本的功能。
Skillshare - The Ultimate Guide to Kinetic Type in After Effects
10 Video Lessons | Level: Intermediate | School : Design | 283 MB
Lyric videos, kinetic movie quotes, animated logos: you see them everywhere. You want to be able to make your own sick kinetic text animation but you don’t know the first place to start. Well look no further my friends, you’ve just discovered The Ultimate Guide to Kinetic Type in After Effects!
Complete this course and you’ll learn how to layout and animate text synchronized to an audio track in creative and completely customized ways. While this is an introductory course, you should have a basic understanding of Adobe After Effects’ user interface and functionality. Every step will be clearly explained in each video, but we won’t be spending a lot of time learning how to do basic functions.
For our class project you will be animating a quote from your favorite TV show or movie. With each quick video tutorial we’ll cover a variety of topics, including:
- Basic typography principles
- Creating custom text animations
- Using the graph editor
- Synchronizing to an audio track
- Saving and using your own presets
- Rigging and animating a 3D camera
Along the way you'll learn lots of little tips and tricks essential to animating text efficiently in After Effects.
Home: http://www.skillshare.com/classes/d...de-to-Kinetic-Type-in-After-Effects/282677337
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AE文字排版设计动画视频教程Skillshare - The Ultimate Guide to Kinetic Type in After Effects:等您坐沙发呢!