Houdini动力学基础入门教程CGCircuit VFX’n’GO Houdini Rocks Volume 4a Introduction to Dynamics
Houdini动力学基础入门教程CGCircuit VFX’n’GO Houdini Rocks Volume 4a Introduction to Dynamics
在这期Houdini教程中,作者将讨论动力学,并从RBD对象开始,以及讲解Voronoi破碎系统等等。作者还将向您展示如何管理Houdini 17中的新系统,如RBD Material Fracture,Voronoi Sops和新约束Soft。还包括学习如何从一个成本转换到其他成本以及如何在“软体”中转换RBD模拟的一些技巧。教程将近4小时,32个视频文件,含HIP工程文件
In this course I talk about the Dynamics and started with RBD object and with the fracturing system like Voronoi and much more. I show you how to managment the new systems in Houdini 17 like RBD Material Fracture, Voronoi Sops and the new constraint Soft. Also I show you some tips for switch from one costrant to others and how to converted the RBD simulation in “soft-body”.
Do you want more?Ok… I talk about also how to use the costum volume vops for fracture your geometry and use also a VEX for control some simulation (using also inside the sop solver). So… it’s more theoretica/technical course in fact is split in two volume “4(a)” and “4(b)”…. “4(b)” is more practical and coming soon…
it’s over h 4:30 with 32 videos and HIP Files included.
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Houdini动力学基础入门教程CGCircuit VFX’n’GO Houdini Rocks Volume 4a Introduction to Dynamics:等您坐沙发呢!