中文版Blender插件-一键把UV变成方形插件Blender Market – Uv Squares v1.15.0
中文版Blender插件-一键把UV变成方形插件Blender Market – Uv Squares v1.15.0
这个非常受欢迎的uV编辑器附加组件可将UV选择重塑为网格。它尊重垂直和水平面部比例,并可以伸展任何选择形状。不再手动对齐扭曲的UV。通常,你最终会看到物体的形状扭曲,并且必须清理它。这需要时间和精力,因为您选择所有顶点并通过适当的轴重新对齐它们,并无休止地重复这一过程。如果您只需按一下按钮就能做到这一点会怎样?这就是Uv Squares的意义所在。它是如何工作的?该过程简单快捷。打开对象后,Uv Squares插件将将您的UV变成完美、干净的形状,尊重对象的几何形状。
This hugely popular addon for the UV Editor reshapes UV selections into a grid. It respects vertical and horizontal face ratios and can stretch out any selection shape. No more manual alignment of a distorted UV Blender’s UV unwrap is far from perfect. Quite often, you end up with a distorted shape of your object and have to clean it up. This takes time and effort as you select all the vertices and re-align them via the appropriate axis, repeating this endlessly. What if you could do it with a single button push? That is what UV Squares is all about. How does it work? The process is simple and quick. Once you have unwrapped your object, the UV Square addon will turn your UV into a perfect, clean shape, respecting the geometry of your object. The distortion is gone and you are good to go! UV Squares at a glance:
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中文版Blender插件-一键把UV变成方形插件Blender Market – Uv Squares v1.15.0:等您坐沙发呢!