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3ds Max提示诀窍及小技巧教程(含英文字幕)3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques 共169集

3ds Max提示诀窍及小技巧教程(含英文字幕)3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques 共169集

3ds Max提示诀窍及小技巧教程(含英文字幕)3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques 共169集
3ds Max是一个功能强大,深入而又多面的程序,因此总会有更多的东西要学习。本每周系列旨在使您掌握最新的工具和技术,并介绍有关建筑和产品可视化,动画,视觉效果,游戏和虚拟世界以及运动图形的传统方法的新观点。讲师Aaron F. Ross每周都会提出一个新主题,涵盖了3D图形的全部任务,包括建模,装配和动画,阴影和照明,相机操作以及渲染。他特别注意简化工作流程,例如耗时任务的自动化,因此您的作品运行更加流畅和高效。每个星期三返回以获取新教程,以扩展您的3ds Max知识和技能。

3ds Max is a powerful, deep, and multifaceted program, so there's always more to learn. This weekly series aims to keep you on top of the latest tools and techniques, and introduces fresh perspectives on traditional methods for architectural and product visualization, animation, visual effects, games and virtual worlds, and motion graphics. Instructor Aaron F. Ross presents a new topic every week, spanning the full range of 3D graphics tasks, including modeling, rigging and animation, shading and lighting, camera operation, and rendering. He gives special attention to streamlining workflows, such as automation of time-consuming tasks, so your productions run more smoothly and efficiently. Come back every Wednesday for a new tutorial to expand your 3ds Max knowledge and skills.

3ds Max - Tips, Tricks and Techniques
0. New This Week
01 Parametric soft transforms with Affect Region
1. Introduction
01 Welcome
02 What to know
03 Exercise files
2. 3ds Max - Tips and Tricks
01 Modeling a floor plan from a 2D drafting document
02 Modeling terrain with Displace space warp
03 Projecting UVs with the Camera Map world-space modifier
04 Capturing shadows with Arnold Shadow Matte map
05 Rendering compositing passes with Arnold AOVs
06 Mechanical rigging with IK and the LookAt controller
07 Modulating animation with Multiply and Ease Curves
08 Working with audio and the AudioFloat controller
09 Automating with Expression controllers
10 Real-time animation with the Motion Capture utility
11 Stylized rendering with Scanline Ink 'n Paint
12 Getting started with the Max Creation Graph
13 Modifying a Max Creation Graph tool
14 Sculpting a terrain with Texture Object Mask
15 Building a road with Conform space warp
16 Shading a landscape with Arnold Curvature
17 Creating custom attributes with the Parameter Editor
18 Driving animation curves with the Reaction controller
19 Rigging a camera-facing matte painting
20 Aligning a camera to a background with Perspective Match
21 Projecting a photo to proxy geometry with Camera Map
22 Automation with wire parameters and manipulators
23 Converting scenes for different renderers
24 Rendering light groups with Arnold AOVs
25 Graphing scene conditions with State Sets Compositor
26 Introduction to 3ds Max Fluids
27 Modeling with the Motion Field Space Warp
28 Non-destructive model adjustment with Linked Xform
29 Animating sub-objects with Linked Xform
30 Customize and cycle Path Constraint animation
31 Generate complex motion with Waveform Controllers
32 Illuminate a scene with an Arnold Mesh Light
33 Shading with Maya maps in 3ds Max
34 Varying shader properties by object with Arnold Color Jitter
35 Render a mesh object with Arnold Standard Volume
36 Render a Point Cloud object
37 Setting track value boundaries with a limit controller
38 Drawing curves with Freehand Spline
39 Correcting intersections with Spline Overlap
40 Reducing curve detail with Optimize Spline
41 Resampling curves with Normalize Spline
42 Soft-selecting curves with Spline Influence
43 Blending curves with Spline Morph
44 Combining splines with shape Booleans
45 Approximating global illumination in Arnold
46 Rendering proxies with Arnold procedurals
47 Introduction to the Open Shading Language map
48 Basic syntax of Open Shading Language
49 Declaring OSL input and output parameters
50 Generating a fractal noise pattern in OSL
51 Iterating a for loop in OSL
52 Using the if… else conditional statement in OSL
53 Managing OSL file assets and paths
54 Accelerate Arnold rendering with adaptive sampling
55 Texturing with the Advanced Wood procedural map
56 Art directing the Advanced Wood texture map
57 Setting a fluid initial state
58 In-camera compositing with Camera Map modifier
59 Creating animation layers
60 Collaborate online with shared views
61 Rendering iridescence with Arnold Thin Film
62 Loading and saving fluid presets
63 Introduction to 3ds Max Interactive
64 Building a motion graphics rig with Data Channel
65 Creating custom project folder structures
66 Open Shading Language code editor tips and tricks
67 Spawning particles from a 3D map
68 Rendering a starfield
69 Faking GI with an Arnold ambient occlusion filter
70 Modeling with the animation Snapshot tool
71 Rendering particles with Arnold Standard Volume
72 Render Arnold volume with physical values
73 Volume indirect global illumination in Arnold
74 Removing polygon detail with Freeform Optimize
75 Transform and retime a cache with Fluid Loader
76 Rendering motion blur in Arnold
77 Drawing splines on an editable poly
78 Sketching freeform topology over a polygon mesh
79 Animating effects with Data Channel Decay
80 Animating controllers in the Material Editor
81 Painting a vertex color mask with VertexPaint
82 Drawing polygon freeform strips
83 Extruding polygon freeform branches
84 Interactive ActiveShade in a viewport
85 Fluid data channels
86 Displaying fluid data channels
87 Assigning UVW coordinates in an OSL network
88 Using named coordinate spaces in Open Shading Language (OSL)
89 Shadow group exclusion with Arnold properties
90 Erasing materials with MAXScript or UVW Remove
91 Understanding Fluid Churn and Vorticity channels
92 Rendering Fluid channels with Arnold User Data
93 Keyframe quantization and sub-frame editing with Snap Keys
94 Importing a CAD solid model as a Body Object
95 Solid model subtraction and intersection with Body Cutter
96 Solid model union with Join Bodies
97 Denoising an Arnold rendering
98 Interactive Update in the animation Curve Editor
99 Curve Editor view menu - Tips and tricks
100 Editing animation curves with the Region Keys tool
101 Combining data channels of Fluids
102 Shading per object with OSL Random by Index
103 Layering materials of Fluids
104 Render particles as Arnold primitives
105 Render PFlow particles with Arnold Shape
106 Remapping colors with Arnold Ramp RGB
107 Rendering contours with Arnold Toon
108 Mapping Arnold Toon base color
109 Controlling preview quality
110 Adding information overlays to a preview with MAXScript
111 Modeling with the updated Chamfer modifier
112 Applying a chamfer using edge weight and depth
113 Baking a map to a mesh with Assign Vertex Color
114 Generating cavity and occlusion maps with Render Surface Map
115 Baking multiple vertex color channels with VertexPaint
116 Compositing vertex color in a shading network
117 Optimizing geometry with the MultiRes modifier
118 Improving viewport performance with the Substitute modifier
119 Constructing a lighting assembly
120 Wiring parameters in a lighting assembly
121 Measuring with tape helper, the Measure Distance tool, and the Measure utility
122 Display panel tips and tricks
123 Quickly adjusting transforms and pivot point with the Transform Toolbox
124 Stacking objects with Select and Place
125 Managing objects and sub-objects with selection sets
126 Referencing scenes with containers
127 Changing inherited container content with Edit in Place
128 Locking and unlocking container parameters
129 Editing unlocked container parameters
130 Projecting splines onto surfaces with ShapeMerge
131 Analyzing and correcting mesh geometry with xView
132 Keyframing sub-objects with the Master Point controller
133 Managing scene materials with Material Explorer
134 Defining a temporary transform center with working pivot
135 Customizing keyboard shortcuts with Hotkey editor
136 Stylized rendering with OSL Halftone Dots map
137 Incorporating scene lighting in a shading network
138 Incorporating render resolution in a shading network
139 Situating geometry within an OSL HDRI environment
140 Studio lighting with HDRI lights map
141 White balance and exposure with an Arnold camera filtermap
142 Rasterizing maps with bake to texture
143 Advanced baking with bake to texture
144 Baking to physically based renderer (PBR) materials for export
145 Production rendering with Quicksilver hardware
146 Varying textures with OSL Randomized Bitmaps
147 Deforming a particle system with the Mesher compound object
148 Set up Arnold render passes with AOV Manager
149 Animating multiple tracks with Parameter Collector
150 Improving edge smoothing with Weighted Normals modifier
151 Rendering a cutaway with the Arnold Clip Geo material
152 Advanced procedural noise with Uber Noise map
153 Rendering polygon edges with OSL Wireframe map
154 Art directing the OSL Wireframe map
155 Introduction to MassFX Rigid Body dynamics
156 Setting up a MassFX Rigid Body simulation
157 Controlling a MassFX Rigid Body simulation
158 Fine-tuning a MassFX Rigid Body simulation
159 Automating secondary animation with the Flex modifier
160 Keyframing modeling commands with the Edit Poly Animate mode
161 Generating UVs with OSL projection maps
162 Retiming all keyframes in a scene with the world track
163 Snapping surfaces dynamically with MCG Ray Constraint
164 Complex sub-object selections with the Selection ribbon
165 Adding polygon edges with Paint Connect
166 Manipulating sub-objects without changing mapping with Preserve UVs
167 Hiding geometry based on distance with Viewport Clipping
168 Navigating a scene with walkthrough mode




3ds Max提示诀窍及小技巧教程(含英文字幕)3ds Max: Tips, Tricks and Techniques 共169集百度网盘地址已经被作者隐藏,请输入验证码查看内容
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  1. 沙发

    书生麻烦多发点max的资源,现在max的资源好少啊,特别是max版的RS VR材质 高级点的教程什么的

    2020-12-21 23:24


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