AE插件:摄像机反求跟踪插件The Foundry CameraTracker 1.0v10 for After Effects CC-CC 2017 Win x64 免费下载
AE插件:摄像机反求跟踪插件The Foundry CameraTracker 1.0v10 for After Effects CC-CC 2017 Win x64 免费下载
CameraTracker 1.0v10是The foundry公司推出的一款AE 3D摄像机跟踪插件,这款插件填补了AE的一项空白,使我们可以在AE里完成追踪摄像机运动,它通过对源序列进行分析,提取和转换运动数据,有了它,我们就无需再借助Boujou这类跟踪软件了,大大提高了我们的工作效率。提取原始相机镜头和运动参数,允许您合成2 d或3d元素,参照相机,插入动画设计素材,匹配虚拟的延伸场景,运动纹理投影对位等工作将能轻松应手,摄像机反求跟踪经常用于电影拍摄。
支持软件版本: After Effect CC 2015.3,CC 2017
CAMERATRACKER for After Effects? plugin allows you to pull 3D motion tracks and matchmoves without having to leave After Effects. It analyses the source sequence and extracts the original camera’s lens and motion parameters, allowing you to composite 2D or 3D elements correctly with reference to the camera used to film the shot.
You can now match camera moves within Adobe? After Effects?’ 2.5D environment, opening up new, robust options for the placement of composite elements. Create Fringe / Heroes style ‘in scene’ titles, insert animated design elements, match-move virtual set extensions, motion-track projection mapping and much more.
Instruction for install The Foundry Camera Tracker
2. Download AMPED MAGIC via link https://c4dsky.com/28571.html
3. Open archive "AMPED MAGIC" and extract folder "Win".
4. In folder "Win" we've 4 importend files.
Before copy and paste, you should stop the license server. Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC and go to services and find "Foundry License Server" and right click to stop it. Now you can copy "rlmutil.exe, rlm.exe and foundry.set" to our destination.
Copy "rlmutil.exe, rlm.exe and foundry.set" and paste to "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Foundry\LicensingTools7.0\bin\RLM".
5. Copy and paste file "foundry.lic" to "C:\Program Files\The Foundry" and after to "C:\Program Files\The Foundry\RLM".
6. Now if you're done, start license server in services (step 4.).
7. Done. Camera tracker works
The Foundry Camera Tracker AMPED破解方法
1.安装插件,按 CTRL+SHIFT+ESC 到services服务,找到 “Foundry License Server” ,右键点击停止.
2.复制 “rlmutil.exe, rlm.exe 和foundry.set”到“C:\Program Files (x86)\The Foundry\LicensingTools7.0\bin\RLM”.
3. 复制 “foundry.lic”到 “C:\Program Files\The Foundry” and after to “C:\Program Files\The Foundry\RLM”.
4. 开启服务 “Foundry License Server”.
The Foundry CameraTracker 1.0v10 for After Effects.rar
The Foundry CameraTracker 1.0v10 for After Effects.rar
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2017-03-28 18:45能支持2018么?
2018-04-11 13:11