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C4D教程:真实海浪雕刻动画Arnold阿诺德渲染器高级案例培训教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Surf's Up免费下载

C4D教程:真实海浪雕刻动画Arnold阿诺德渲染器高级案例培训教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Surf's Up免费下载

cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Surf’s Up教程介绍:

C4D教程:海浪雕刻动画Arnold阿诺德渲染器高级案例培训教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Surf's Up免费下载
教程名字:cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Surf's Up
更新时间: 2015,12,4
官网: https://cmivfx.com/store/657-cinema+4d+surf's+up
语言: 英语(无中文字幕)
教程级别: 中级
使用软件: Cinema 4D R17,Arnold阿诺德渲染器插件(https://c4dsky.com/?s=Arnold
持续时间: 3小时17分
项目文件: 包括

轻松创造完美的海洋冲浪条件!任何人都可以建立“Maynard Hero Wave海洋冲浪波”系统由于最新最好的工具由Maxon及其附属机构。这种技术是掌握时间和共享为旧应用程序的CG世界革命。从来没有变成液体的技能,直到Cinema 4D的最新版本。当你看到这是多么有趣,你会看到这种效果的地方,十年后,和改善好!



这个视频是基于技术由Chris Maynard,许多年前,仍然无缝连接创建Hero Wave动画功能的最好的解决方案之一。

UI Layout

整个视频创建只使用Wacom Cintiq,没有键盘或鼠标,使用最新的Windows 10给你不需要很多额外的惊人的视效。创建一个真正的右手UI笔平板电脑,没有手臂交叉最快的交互成为可能。(与OSX一样)

Pose Morph Sculpting

One of the coolest tools out there is the C4D Pose Morph Tag. This allows you to assign multiple topology variations for character phonemes. Using this same technology, we can create various stages of our wave animation. Using combinations of simple sliders to design the perfect wave! Change the poses any time with the new Sculpt Tools in real time. This will be the most fun you have had in Cinema in a long time!

Cinema 4D Shading System(Cinema 4D着色器系统)

Before we get to the unusually satisfying Pose Morph Keyframing, we will set up our scene for Look Development in multiple renderers. We start off with the standard C4D rendering system for look one, them move to the next rendering system for additional looks.

Arnold Shading System(Arnold阿诺德渲染器着色器系统)

Definitely one of the coolest add ons for any software is the Arnold rendering system by Solid Angle. In just a few short steps you can see how to create an interesting look, believable to be Caribbean in nature. One look at this and you will get amped to work on the animation!

Wave Animation(海浪动画)

Now the final touches. Set up as many shots as you want, render with whatever renderer you want, and off to get that delicious sandwich waiting for you at the corner shop. Maxon has made it so easy now, that choosing to set up the Hero Wave effect in a complex rig seems almost superfluous.

Special Notice

The “Maynard Hero Wave” effect was originally made possible by Alias technology for character animation purposes over 10 years ago. The original tutorial went viral over night through the social media of the time then got phased out with newer software versions pushing new content to the servers, thus deleting the legacy information. All original media of the Maynard Hero Wave are available upon request.


链接:C4D教程:真实海浪雕刻动画Arnold阿诺德渲染器高级案例培训教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Surf's Up免费下载http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDuil2L 密码:90v2





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C4D教程:真实海浪雕刻动画Arnold阿诺德渲染器高级案例培训教程 cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Surf's Up免费下载:等您坐沙发呢!


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