C4D插件:流体特效插件Navie Effex Krakatoa and Standard v2.60.60 WIN for Cinema4D
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C4D插件:流体特效插件Navie Effex Krakatoa and Standard v2.60.60 WIN for Cinema4D,再次感谢n0MAD神
由dpit2.de出品著名的流体&植物特效插件更新至Navie Effex v2.60.60版本,功能更加强大和完善,支持KrakatoaSR粒子渲染器(已破解),支持C4D R13- C4D R16。
新Effex模块化、面向对象的框架内的Cinema 4D,提供了各种效果,建模,动画,模拟和渲染。作用于自己的每个对象和特定功能提供了一个框架或现有的功能。
The new Effex is a modular, object-oriented framework inside of Cinema 4D that offers a variety of effects to be modelled, animated, simulated and rendered. Each object acts on its own and offers a certain functionality to extent the framework or existing functionality.
Its repertoire covers a wide range of features (but is not limited to these) from volumetric modeling to fluid simulation.
Plants is a procedural modeling and animation plugin to generate organic structures especially suited for trees and plants.
It contains tools, objects and shaders that allow users to create arbitrary types of plants and trees with high flexibility. The algorithms used are based on L-system like behaviors but are not limited to rule-based generation but rather enable the user to apply rules on a procedural basis.
Navie Effex v2.60.60新功能:
基于Cinema 4d物理仿真和建模框架,可以创建液体,体积建模、粒子和更多。
支持Cinema 4d R13 - Cinema 4d R17
AE模板:高科技设计套装电影科幻元素UI游戏界面HUD Infographic
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C4D插件:流体特效插件Navie Effex Krakatoa and Standard v2.60.60 WIN for Cinema4D:等您坐沙发呢!