Maya高级电影特效破碎案例教程Digital Tutors–Shattering a Statue Using Bullet Physics in Maya
Maya高级电影特效破碎案例教程Digital Tutors–Shattering a Statue Using Bullet Physics in Maya
教程名字:Digital Tutors–Shattering a Statue Using Bullet Physics in Maya
类型: Tutorial, Training
发布时间: 2015/05/12
作者: Peter Gend
语言: 英语(无中文字幕)
使用软件:Maya 2015,Realflow 2015
教程时间: 2小时38分
文件大小: 1.2Gb
在这个Maya教程中,我们将熟悉运用Maya 2015的子弹物理系统。我们将学习如何粉碎成2000多块雕像,主要使用刚体特性集。
1 Introduction and project overview
2Discussing Bullet physics
3 Exploring different types of dynamics
4 Learning about Bullet Solver
5 Discussing Rigid Sets
6 Analyzing assets
7 Shattering the model
8 Importing and preparing our model
9 Dividing groups
10 Setting up rigid sets
11 Increasing quality of our solve
12 Adjusting the shatter effect
13 Exporting simulation as an Alembic cache
14 Importing Alembic files
15 Setting up lights, background and shaders
16 Converting our Alembic nodes
17 Creating additional particles
18 Generating dust effect
19 Viewing our final result
- AE模板:300+个合成(1000+多种形状元素)工作室宣传 扁平化风格MG运动图形元素包模板
- 100组二维特效动态元素包AE模板VH Animation Pack 2
- AE预设Sweets Motion动态元素包MG神器栏目包装设计师必备工程
- AE模板:240组MG动画动态图形元素包VideoHive – Shape Elements
- AE模板: 400组卡通扁平化流体风格MG运动图形元素包 飞溅快闪形状过渡转场效果模板
- AE模板:200+组扁平化风格爆炸撕裂转场运动图形元素包logo动画展示模板(含MG动画音效)
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