Blender建筑可视化建模渲染教程Blender 3D Architect Pro
您想使用 Blender 和开源工具来制作建筑可视化吗?在 Blender 3D Architect 中,您可以找到最大的社区,其中包含使用 Blender 进行建筑设计的新闻和资源。Blender 3D Architect的一门完整课程或研讨会,包含使用Blender进行架构的视频教程(MP4 文件 + Blender 文件),1 个带有纹理的 Blender 原生文件格式(通常是家具模型)的建筑资源,Do you want to use Blender and open-source tools to produce architectural visualization? In Blender 3D Architect, you find the largest community with news and resources to use Blender for architecture.
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Here is a list with all available tutorials:
- Importing SketchUp 2022 files to Blender
- Modeling walls with BagaPie
- How to fix the Simple Deform modifier (Bend walls)
- Hard surface Modeling - Rounded planes (Bevel)
- Bakelab Add-on quick intro
- Precision modeling - Fixing rotations
- Quick booleans - BagaPie Addon
- Editing textures - Saturation enhancement
- Copies along path - Animation Nodes
- How to convert multiple assets to a single entity?
- Saving profiles - Bevel tool
- JMesh tools - Circular Array
- Bevel tool - custom profiles for modeling
- Cutout textures and the Asset Browser
- Asset Browser - Quick Start
- PBR Textures resolution
- IES Lights - Color and noise
- Rendering a floor plan in SVG with an isometric camera
- Drag options for modeling in Blender 3.0
- Transparent background for renders
- FreeStyle updates in Blender 3.0
- Exporting from SketchUp to Blender
- Managing linked copies
- Using multiple monitors with Blender 3.0
- Installing custom color profiles in Blender
- Align and distribute Add-on for Blender
- Modeling spiral stairs with the Array modifier
- Fastest way to create cameras?
- Blender 3.0 Beta: New knife tool for modeling
- Trying the IFC.js web viewer
- Controlling the emission shader with a Geometry Node
- Local view for modeling
- Modeling multiple slope roofs with textures
- Importing furntiure models from the 3D Warehouse
- Roofing tiles with displacement maps
- Eevee GI - Fixing common problems
- Baking materials and lights in Cycles
- Creating a studio scene for Blender
- Cycles X UI Overview
- FreeStyle and Dimension Lines
- Chrome material for Blender
- Controling shadows and glossy surfaces for each object
- Floor plan modeling (base walls)
- Making curved paths for camera animation
- Preparing files for external libraries
- Angled walls based on references
- Using the batch rename option for furniture
- Text animations for video
- Camera target for architecture
- Modeling with the Shrink Wrap modifier (Curved panels)
- Modeling - Curve based walls
- Architectural modeling - Polar Array
- Using the Floor Board Generator
- Align objects with Python
- Rendering dimension lines
- Scattering objects with particles
- MeasureIT ARCH - Quick intro
- Modeling tutorial - Curved ramp connecting floors
- Water material from scratch
- Camera correction for architecture
- Isolate Mode for modeling
- Random mapping for textures
- Custom glass material (Frosted)
- Shadeless material for Blender Cycles
- Asset browser of Blender 3.0
- Using Blender for color correction
- Publishing panorama images (360)
- Drawing and rendering dimension lines
- Modeling for architecture - Arch windows
- EEVEE SSGI Updates (#2)
- Area Lights - Beam Shape (2.93 New feature)
- Curtain modeling
- Custom controls for doors - Architectural animations
- Importing DWG files to Blender
- Using Gloss and Reflect maps in Blender
- PBR Textures scaling - Tile size
- Editing PSD files with GIMP and Blender
- Modeling tips - From mesh to curves
- Using LuxCore with Blender
- Modeling a curtain wall
- Section planes - Custom controls
- Cycles X - First look
- CAD Transformations (Add-on)
- Using videos as textures
- Exporting SVG files from Blender
- Screen Space GI for EEVEE (Blender 2.93 alpha - custom build)
- Importing SKP files to Blender
- Camera matching with fSpy and Blender
- Architectural animation - Reveal and section planes
- Area lights for interiors
- Profile-based modeling: Plaster molding
- Camera bind for animation
- Add a sky background using the Composite Editor
- Eevee mirror material
- How to save a view in Blender?
- Separating furniture models
- Using external references for architecture (Append and Link)
- Arch symbol: Doors
- Interactive modeling (Blender 2.92 - New feature)
- Rendering a floor plan in Blender
- Render region settings
- Eevee quick settings for interiors
- New snapping options (Perpendicular and center)
- NPR Effect for renders (Outline)
- Sun Light settings - Shadows
- Eevee DoF (Experimental build)
- Equirectangular render for interiors
- How to use displacement maps in materials
- PBR material settings
- HDR visibility controls for exteriors
- How to import SketchUp Files to Blender?
- Using IES Profiles in Cycles
- How to create a true isometric camera in Blender?
- Editing the origin point for furniture models
- Depth of Field effect for interiors
- FOV settings for interiors
- Using cutout textures in Blender
- Architectural modeling - Using feet and inches in Blender
- Editing UV maps and adding textures to furniture models
- Using CAD tools to create walls in Blender
- Lighting methods - Comparing HDR and the BlackBody Node
- Choosing a radius for round shaped walls
- Introduction to Geometry Nodes (2.92 Alpha)
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Blender建筑可视化建模渲染教程Blender 3D Architect Pro:等您坐沙发呢!