AI基础入门视频教程Lynda Illustrator CC 2018 Essential Training updated May 4, 2018含英文字幕
AI基础入门视频教程Lynda Illustrator CC 2018 Essential Training updated May 4, 2018含英文字幕
Illustrator世界领先的矢量插图软件——可以用来完成许多不同的设计任务。本课程,作者讲解了应用于任何工作流程的核心概念和技术:用于打印、web或用于其他应用程序的资产。讲师Tony Harmer向您展示了如何绕过界面,并解释了adobe illustrator元素,如画板、工作区、图层和形状。他讨论了矢量图形——由路径、笔画和填充组成,并展示了如何使用Illustrator绘图工具来创建和编辑它们。他演示了如何组合和清理路径,并将艺术品组织成组和层。Tony还包括排版和文本编辑,颜色,表达画笔绘图,效果,利用CC库,打印和导出,等等。
Illustrator—the world's leading vector illustration software—can be used to accomplish many different design tasks. This course teaches core concepts and techniques that can be applied to any workflow: for print, for the web, or for assets that will find their way into other applications. Instructor Tony Harmer shows you how to get around the interface, and explains elements of Adobe Illustrator, such as artboards, workspaces, layers, and shapes. He discusses vector graphics—which are composed of paths, strokes, and fills—and shows how to create and edit them using the Illustrator drawing tools. He demonstrates how to combine and clean up paths, and organize artwork into groups and layers. Tony also covers typography and text editing, color, expressive brush drawing, effects, leveraging CC Libraries, printing and export, and much more.
- 课程长度:4 小时 44 分钟 57 秒
- 课程难度:初级
- 是否含工程文件:包含
- 英文字幕(无中文翻译)
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 v22.0.0.243 中文/英文:https://c4dsky.com/40110.html
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AI基础入门视频教程Lynda Illustrator CC 2018 Essential Training updated May 4, 2018含英文字幕:等您坐沙发呢!