SP 2019新手入门基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training
SP 2019新手入门基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training
Substance Painter 2019是3D纹理创建(尤其是基于物理的渲染(PBR))的行业标准。在本课程中,Wes McDermott将对Substance Painter 2019进行初学者的介绍,并引导您完成一个基本项目-从头到尾为现实世界的游戏资产构造纹理。他首先创建一个新项目,导入模型,然后使用集成的烘焙系统。接下来,Wes展示了如何使用材质和图层,并提供了有关程序,画笔工具集和诸如对称,模版和克隆等省时方法。另外,学习如何使用图层效果创建逼真的磨损。我们通过向您展示如何使用Iray(Substance Painter中集成的路径跟踪渲染器)创建Iray渲染,以及导出纹理以在其他应用程序中使用来为您总结。
Substance Painter is the industry standard for 3D texture creation, especially for physically-based rendering (PBR). In this course, Wes McDermott takes a beginner’s look at Substance Painter 2019, walking you through a basic project—texturing a real-world game asset from start to finish. He starts with creating a new project, importing the model, and using the integrated baking system. Next, Wes shows how to work with materials and layers and provides a primer on procedurals, the brush toolset, and time savers like symmetry, stencils, and cloning. Plus, learn how to use layer effects to create realistic wear. Wes wraps up by showing you how to create portfolio renders using Iray, the integrated path-tracing renderer in Substance Painter, and export textures for use in other applications.
中文版Substance Painter 2019下载:https://c4dsky.com/74824.html
中文汉化版-红巨星粒子特效AE插件包Red Giant Trapcode Suite 15.1.7 Win/Mac 含多个注册码
中文汉化版-红巨人特效合成抠像平面跟踪AE/PR插件Red Giant VFX Suite 1.0.5 Win
中文汉化版-点线面三维粒子AE插件Rowbyte Plexus 3.1.10 CS5.5 - CC 2019 Win/Mac
中文汉化版-AE节点式三维粒子插件Superluminal Stardust 1.5.0
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SP 2019新手入门基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda Substance Painter 2019 Essential Training:等您坐沙发呢!