Maya专业动力学破碎插件含使用教程Thinkinetic Pulldownit Pro 3.5c for Maya 2014 - 2016 (Win64)
Maya专业动力学破碎插件Thinkinetic Pulldownit Pro 3.5c for Maya 2014 - 2016 (Win64)
Pulldownit是一个全新的动力学解算器,允许创建骨骼绑定以及大规模的刚体模拟。通过使用Pulldownit技术,数码艺术家能够模拟快速和容易倒塌的建筑物,裂纹表面或压裂任何一种 brittle material材质。
Pulldownit is a brand new dynamics solver which allows for the creation of fractures as well as massive rigid bodies simulations. By using its technology digital artists are able to simulate fast and easily the collapse of buildings, cracking surfaces or fracturing any kind of brittle material.
Pulldownit Pro 3.5c新功能:
- 支持 3d Max 和Maya 2016
- Congruent vertex normals after shattering粉碎后的顶点法线.
- Uniform shatter pattern can be offsetted/squeezed
- Uniform\Local\Radial extend to selected shards región on reshattering
- Ability to do transition animation-dynamics for group of fragments为群做过渡animation-dynamics片段的能力
- 强力转换形状选项支持破碎对象创建
- 添加DirectX支持Maya视窗2.0(已经支持OpenGl)
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Maya专业动力学破碎插件含使用教程Thinkinetic Pulldownit Pro 3.5c for Maya 2014 - 2016 (Win64):等您坐沙发呢!